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简介1.求历年高考听力真题(mp3+题+答案) 可以不要原文材料2011 年 9 月 24 日浙江听力高考试题 1. What does the man thinkof watching TV? [A] It helps people kill time. [B] It makes people less active. [C] It keeps people well-informed. 2. Wh

1.求历年高考听力真题(mp3+题+答案) 可以不要原文材料


2011 年 9 月 24 日浙江听力高考试题 1. What does the man thinkof watching TV? [A] It helps people kill time. [B] It makes people less active. [C] It keeps people well-informed. 2. What does the woman mean? [A] She’ll use her bike soon. [B] She’lent her bike out. [C] She’ll borrow a bike. 3. What does the man think of the woman? [A] She is poorly dressed. [B] She’s got too many dresses [C] She should buy a dress for Betty. 4. What’s going to be difficult for the man? [A] Making nice coffee. [B] Working at home quietly. [C] Choosing a birthday gift. 5. What are the speakers discussing? [A] Whether to go on a holiday. [B] How to pay for the house. [C] Whether to find a better job. 听下面一段对话,回答 6 和第 7 题。 6. Who is Mr. Li? [A] The woman’s co-worker. [B] The woman’s secretary. [C] The woman’s boss. 7. What does Mr. Li want to talk to the woman about? [A] A job offer. [B] A big sale. [C] A new department. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 题。 8. What is the man doing now? [A] Trying to find a job. [B] Traveling roundthe world. [C] Teaching English for money. 9. Where will the man be working? [A] In an Australian school. [B] In a shipping company. [C] In a foreign trading firm. 10. What will the speakers do together in the evening? [A] Go sightseeing in the city. [B] Eat in a Chinese restaurant [C] Have a home-made dinner.

听下面一段对话,回答第 11 和第 12 题。 11. What do the speakers decide to do? [A] Ask Carrie for help. [B] Buy a huge cake. [C] Play cards. 12. Who will probably get surprised at theparty? [A] Maggie. [B] The man. [C] Jackie. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 题。 13. What kind of families can be possibly chosen as home-stay families? [A] Good at cooking. [B] Close to the school. [C] With international background. 14. What can an international student expect in a home-stay family? [A] A bathroom of their own. [B] No choice of meals. [C]A shared bedroom 15. What is the main advantage of staying with a home-stay family? [A] Learning the language better. [B]Having more freedom. [C] Going to school early. 16. What should the student do to get along with the family? [A] Cook for the family. [B] Keep his or her habits. [C] Follow the house rules. 听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 题。 17. What’s the purpose of the program? [A] To plan a nice weekend. [B] To prepare for New Year’s Day. [C]To celebrate the start of a vacation. 18. What are the children going to do? [A] Look for the hidden gifts. [B] Hide around the building. [C] Have a group discussion. 19. What are the children required to do before going out of the building? [A] Wait at a corner. [B] Give their names at a desk. [C] Stay together with their parents. 20. Who will go out of the building through the double doors? [A] The preschool children. [B] The third grade children. [C] The fourth grade children.

求历年高考听力真题(mp3+题+答案) 可以不要原文材料

山东省2022年高考外语听力考试是在1月8日,?考生有两次考试机会,两次听力考试间隔约20分钟,考试时间为9: 00开始,11:00前结束。考试成绩取两次中的高分计入外语科目成绩。







一般来说,英语听力测试主要是获取事实性的具体信息,这些问题大多以when,where,who,what,why and how等疑问词的形式出现。该部分主要包括某事件的细节、数字与计算(时间、价格等)、地点与方向、身份与职业、计划与打算等。









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