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简介1.高考英语名词考点例题解析?2.求北京2013英语高考完形翻译3.2014广东英语高考答案4.2014年的英文怎么写5.高考英语阅读理解易错题分析6.2014高考英语天津卷答案Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.在








Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.

在一个狭窄的平衡木上跳跃是不容易的。但Lola Walter,一个十三岁的体操运动员,是这方面的专家。

To perfect her skills, Lola 36 for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.


That’s especially impressive. 37 she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift constantly. She often sees double and can’t _38 how far away things are.


When she was little, her mom 39 that even though she couldn’t see 40 , she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the 41 right away and gymnastics became her favorite.


Though learning gymnastics has been more 42 for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit. She doesn’t let her _43 stop her from doing anything

that she wants to.


She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest 44_ is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees to beams.

She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she

even closes her eyes. “You have to 45_ your mind that it’ll take you where you want to go.” says Lola.


To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most 46 for anyone because it’s four inches wide. At the state competition,

Lola didn’t fall 47 the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10---- her highest score yet.


Lola doesn’t want to be 48 differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges don’t know about her vision _49 _.

She doesn’t tell them, because she doesn’t think they need to know.

Her mom is amazed by her _50 attitude.


Lola never thinks about 51__. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her 52 is to reach level 9. She says

she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she’s learned to other kids 53 she grew up.


Lola is 54 of all her hard work and success. She says it’s helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her 55 for others is “just believe yourself”.







The easy way out isn't always easiest. I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, myhu *** and of one month, to a special meal. I glanced through my cook book and chose a menuwhich included homemade bread. Knowing the bread would take time. I started on it as soon asDoug left for work. As I was not experienced in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, twodozen would be better, so I doubled everything. As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can oforange and poured it all into the bowl. Soon there was a sticky dough covered with uglyyellowish marks. Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so Iwouldn't have to face Doug laughing at my work. I went on preparing the rest of the meal, and,when Doug got home, we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice. He tried to enjoy the meal butseemed disturbed. Twice he got up and went outside, saying he thought he heard a noise. Thethird time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. Looking out, I saw Dougstanding about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and lookinginto the container. When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained thatthere was something alive in out rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid upenough for me to see. I felt cold. But I stepped closer and looked harder. Without doubt it wa *** y work. The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast***酵母***made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing. I had to admit what the livingthing was and why it was there. I don't know who was more embarrassed***尴尬*** by the wholething—Doug or me.


1. The writer's purpose in writing this story is ________.

A. to tell an interesting experience

B. to show the easiest way out of a difficulty

C. to describe the trouble facing a newly married woman

D. to explain the difficulty of learning to cook from books

2. Why did the woman's attempt at making the bread turn out to be unsuccessful?

A. The canned orange had gone bad.

B. She didn't use the right kind of flour.

C. The cookbook was hard to understand.

D. She did not follow the directions closely.

3. Why did the woman put the dough in the rubbish bin?

A. She didn't see the use of keeping it.

B. She meant to joke with her hu *** and.

C. She didn't want her hu *** and to see it.

D. She hoped it would soon dry in the sun.

4. What made the dough in the bin looks frighting?

A. The rising and falling movement.

B. The strange-looking marks.

C. Its shape.

D. Its size.

5. When Doug went out the third time, the woman looked out of the window becauseshe was ________.

A. surprised at his being interested in the bin

B. afraid that he would discover her secret

C. unhappy that he didn't enjoy the meal

D. curious to know what disturbed him


1. A。通读文章后,可知作者写这篇文章的目的,是想让人知道她这段有趣的经历,故应选A。

2. D。文中提及:As I was not experienced in cooking I thought if a dozen was good, two dozenwould be better 和 As Doug loved orange, I also opened a can of orange and poured it all intothe bowl,可知这位家庭主妇***即作者***并未按烹调指南行事,故应选 D。

3. C。作者在意识到自己制做面包失败时,put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn'thave to face Doug laughing at my work, 故应选C。

4. A。这是对句意和细节理解的题目。文中提及:The hot sun had caused the dough to double in sizeand the fermenting yeast made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing, 故应选A。

5. D。文中提及:... the third time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. 可知作者在吃饭时就看出丈夫心烦意乱,频繁出去。当丈夫第三次出去时,作者不知道丈夫出去干什么,出于好奇,就到窗边去看。




1. I found her sitting in the corner, reading _____ newspaper, with _____ in her eyes.

A. a, tear B. a piece of, tears C. a, tears D. a piece of, tear

陷阱误选D,许多学生错误地认为,既然news***讯息***和 paper***纸***均为不可数名词,那么newspaper***报纸***也应是不可数的;同时认为“眼泪”即“泪水”,“水”不可数,“泪水”和“眼泪”也应该不可数。

分析最佳答案为C。newspaper和 tear均为可数名词,它们不仅可以连用不定冠词、可以用复数,而且还可以连用数词。

Her eyes filled with tears. 她热泪盈眶。

She dried her tears with a handkerchief. 她用手帕擦干了眼泪。

The newspapers were full of lies. 报纸上一片谎言。

A newspaper is a publication. 报纸是一种出版物。

若不是将 newspaper 当作是供阅读或传递资讯的一种东西,而只是把它当成一种“纸”来看待,也可用作不可数名词,如:

Wrap it in ***a sheet of*** newspaper. 把它用张报纸包起来。

2. Her father works as a ______ in a hotel and her mother a ______ in a private pany.

A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter

陷阱误选A,许多同学想当然地认为:cook 用作动词,表示“煮饭”,所以 cooker 应是其相应的名词,表示“煮饭的人”,即“厨师”;type 用作动词,表示“打字”,所以 typewriter 应表示“打字员”。


3. “Why couldn’t they meet us at five o’clock?” “Because they were delayed by ________.”

A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics


分析对于此题,首先要明确traffic为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故排除B和D。另外,汉语习惯说“交通拥挤”,而英语习惯上却不能用crowded 来修饰 traffic,要表示汉语的“交通拥挤”,英语通常说heavy traffic,即选A。如下面一题也是选A:

She is not a petent driver and can’t cope with driving in _______.

A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics

C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics

4. In fact, _______ one cause that leads to the problem.

A. cattle is B. cattle are C. cattles are D. the cattles are


陷阱其实,正确答案为B。cattle***牲畜,牛***为 *** 名词,尽管它不带复数词尾-s,却永远表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语要用复数。又如:

For this many cattle were killed. 为此宰了不少牲畜。

The prisoners were herded like cattle. 囚犯像牲口一样被赶到一起。

类似地,police***警察***,people***人***,police***警察***,poultry***家禽***等也具有同样用法,即只有单数形式,但却表示复数意义;用作主语时谓语通常也用复数;不与 a***n*** 连用,但可与the连用***表示总括意义和特指***。如:

The poultry have been fed. 家禽已经喂过饲料了。

In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪。

It annoys me when people forget to say “thank you”。 遇到有人忘记道谢的时候,我就不痛快。

5. By all _______, you must try every _______ to help him.

A. mean, mean B. means, means C. means, mean D. mean, means


分析其实,means是一个单复数同形的名词,并且永远带有尾-s。换句话说,在表示“方式”、“方法”时,不存在mean这一形式***mean主要用作动词,表示“意思是”;也可用作名词,表示“中间”、“中庸”***。此题正确答案为C,by all means为习语,意为“一定”、“尽一切办法”。means用作主语时,其谓语的数需根据句意来确定。比较:

All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了。

Every possible means has been tried. 每种可能的办法都已经试过了。


Is [Are] there any other means of getting more money? 还有其他什么办法可弄到更多钱吗?


6. Jim is ______ person, and everyone is willing to be ______ with him.

A. so kind a, friends B. so a kind, friends C. so kind a, friend D. so a kind, friend

陷阱误选C或D。认为 friend要用单数。

分析其实此题最佳答案为A。so kind a person相当于such a kind person,注意两者中冠词的位置不同。be friends with是习语,意为“与……友好”、“跟……做朋友”,与之同义的类似地还有make friends with。值得说明的是,这类短语中的名词总是用复数,即使句子主语为单数也是如此。如:

He is friends with me. 他与我是朋友。

He has made friends with everyone here. 他与这儿的每个人交上了朋友。

7. We already have ______ pencils, but we need two ______ pens.

A. dozen of, dozen B. dozens of, dozens C. dozens of, dozen D. dozens of, dozen of

陷阱误选 B。


***1*** 当它与具体数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词of。尽管有的词书也有 two dozen of 这样的用例,但这已属过时用法,在考试中应避免,如1992年全国高考有一道单项选择题就认为two dozen of为错误选项:

Shortly after the accident, _____ police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozens of B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozen [D]

***2*** 当它不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s,而且要后接介词 of,此时可将dozens of***许多,几十***视为习语。如:

I’ve been there dozens of times. 我去过那儿几十次。

She’s got dozens of boy-friends. 她的男朋友很多。


Pack them in dozens. 按打装袋吧。

***3*** 当与 a few, several 等数目不很具体的词连用时,加不加复数词尾-s均可,但需注意:不加复数词尾-s时,其后的介词of可以省略;加词尾-s时,其后介词 of不能省略。如:

several dozen ***of*** pencils=several dozens of pencils几打铅笔

注:英语较少使用many dozen的说法,要表示类似意思可用dozens of。

***4*** 当它后面的名词受 the, these, those 等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。如:

two dozen of these eggs 两打这种鸡蛋

three dozen of them 它们中的3打

注:score, hundred, thousand, million等也具有以上类似用法。

8. She raised her finger to her lips as _____ for silence.

A. an idea B. a mark C. a sign D. a word


分析应选C,sign与mark的区别是:sign 的意思是“迹象”、“征兆”gesture or movement made with the hand, head, etc, used to give information, a mand, etc***用手或头等做出示意动作以传递资讯或命令等***,mark 的意思是 written or printed symbol or figure, line etc made as signor an indication of sth***书写与印刷的符号或图、线等记号***。


***1*** Those black clouds are a sure _____ that it’s going to rain.

A. thing B. mark C. sign D. one

***2*** Just as a famous Chinese saying goes, a timely heavy snow is a ______ of good harvest next year.

A. mark B. track C. sign D. appearance


The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a***n*** _____ of courage and power.

A. example B. sign

C. mark D. symbol


9. “May I take your order now?” “We’d like three black _______ and two green _______.”

A. coffee, cups of teas B. coffees, teas C. cups of coffee, tea D. cup of coffees, teas


分析选B。有的同学认为 coffee 和tea是物质名词,不可数,不能用 three coffees, two teas 这样的表达。其实,coffee既可用作不可数名词,表示“咖啡”这种物质,也可用作可数名词,表示“一杯咖啡”,即在口语中 three coffees 就等于 three cups of coffee。同样,“三杯茶”既可说成 three cups of tea,也可说成 three teas;“三杯啤酒”既可说成 three glasses of beer,也可说成 three beers。

10. _____ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A. Walk B. Walking

C. The walk D. To walk



***1*** 首先,选项D不如选项B佳,因为,不定式通常表示特定的动作,而动名词才表示习惯性的动作。

***2*** 尽管walk用作名词时可以表示“散步”,但它是可数名词,指的是一次一次的具体的散步,而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的“散步”,要表示此义,要用动名词 walking。比较:

How about going for a walk? 出去散散步如何?

Walking does good to your health. 散步对你的健康有益。

类似地,dance 和 dancing 以及 swim 和 swimming 的区别也是一样:

***1*** 名词的 dance表示“跳舞”,是可数名词,指的是一次一次的具体的跳舞,而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的“跳舞”,要表示后者的意思,要用动名词转化来的名词 dancing。比较:

Let’s have a dance. 我们跳曲舞吧。

He is interested in dancing. 他对跳舞感兴趣。

***2*** 名词的 swim表示“游泳”,是可数名词,指的是一次一次的具体的游泳,而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的“游泳”,要表示后者的意思,要用动名词转化来的名词 swimming。比较:

She had a swim every day. 她每天游一会儿泳。

She loves swimming. 她喜欢游泳。














{定文体抓主旨}:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。通过讲述有关患有视力障碍的13岁体操运动员Lola Walter挑战平衡木的故事,阐明“believe in yourself”的主题。本篇难度:中等。






not easy; an expert at...


导入故事背景,介绍主人公Lola Walter:平衡木不容易,但Lola Walter是一个专家


finish seventh; impressive; legally blind; a rare condition;

Lola Walter排名第七,令人印象深刻,因为她患有视力障碍(一种罕见的状况)


fearless; favorite; never quit; determination; use her sense of touch; brave; got...her highest score; doesn’t want...differently; to reach level 9; a coach

Lola Walter不畏惧,对体操的热爱、永不放弃、坚定(运用触觉训练)、勇敢使她得到了她的最高分;她不想与他人不同;她想达到体操九级,成为一名教练。——Lola Walter克服视力上的困难,获得成功的故事及她的未来目标。


overcome problems; believe in yourself

Lola Walter 有关克服困难的建议——相信自己



36.C。为了完善技巧,她一天_____ 四个小时,一周五天。再联系上段中的“gymnast(体操运动员)”,,可知,是C项“训练”


38.A。tell“辨别;判定”,文中指Lola Walter不能辨别事物的距离。guess 猜测;推测; assume假设,假定;predict 预言,预测。

39.B。本句中指她的妈妈记得她小时候...。remember 记得;回想起;suspect 猜疑;怀疑; imagine想象; notice 注意到。

40.B。根据第三段第一句中的“blind”可知,Lola Walter的视力不好(couldn’t see well)。

41.B。the sport 特指上一句中出现的gymnastics(体操运动),指妈妈给Lola Walter报名参加体操后,她就立刻喜欢上了这项运动。

42.C。第三段提到Lola Walter的视力不好,因此,学习体操对于她老说,更困难。boring 无聊的;令人厌烦的;enjoyable愉快的,快乐的;satisfactory 令人满意的

43.D。根据第三段第一句话“a rare condition”可知,Lola Walter的视力问题是一种罕见的状况,43题指她不会让这种状况阻止自己做她想做的事情。

44.C。下一句提到因为她视觉有重影,会看到两根平衡木,所以,平衡木对她是最大的挑战。 doubt怀疑,疑惑;advantage 优势;有利条件; challenge 挑战; progress进步;前进。

45.D。通过上一句Lola Walter在平衡木练习时有时闭上眼睛可知,所以她相信自己的能力。

46.A。根据本段第一句“one must be brave”说明平衡木对任何人来说都很令人害怕。fearful 令人害怕的; harmful 有害的; unfair不公平的; inconvenient 不方便的

47.C。fall off掉下;从......跌落,此处指 Lola没有从平衡木上掉下来(成功了)

48.B。根据本段下文可知,Lola没有把自己的视力问题告诉裁判,她不想得到和别人不同的对待。greet 打招呼;迎接; treat 对待;招待; serve 为…服务;端上; pay 付款;偿还。

49.D。根据第三段可知,Lola存在视力上的问题。pain 痛苦;疼痛; stress 压力;重音; injury 伤害;损害。

50.A。根据本段前两句Lola不想因为自己的视力问题而得到不同的对待,可知Lola的态度积极。positive 积极的;friendly 友好的; flexible 灵活的; cautious小心的;谨慎的。

51.B。通过本段下文可知,Lola还会继续努力,从目前的体操7级达到九级,因此她没有想过放弃。defend 防卫;辩护; quit 停止;放弃; bargain讨价还价。

52.D。她的目标是达到体操九级。standard 标准; range 范围; view 视图;风景;goal 目标。


54.A。通过全文可知,Lola对于自己的努力和成功感到自豪。be proud of 以...为豪;be tired of 厌倦;厌烦; be ashamed of感到羞愧,惭愧;be confident of对…事有信心。

55.B。句意:她给别人的建议就是要相信自己。plan 计划; advice 建议;忠告;reward 回



I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

答案及解析: (“可乐”解释)


1. D 由not easy living with them (their parents) (孩子觉得与父母生活在一起不易)与difficult to live with teenagers(父母觉得与十几岁的孩子生活在一起很难)可知,孩子与父母有“相似的”感受。


2. B 由前两句,可知父母之间有“矛盾”,再根据regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks(关于不整洁和日常事情),对照各选项,只有argument(争吵)适合。


3. C 由前句的untidiness和后面的clothes thrown on the floor可知,房间是messy(凌乱不堪的)。


4. B 由上文提到的收拾房间之类的事,应是housework(家务活)。


5. C 由后面的not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping可知,这里应是dropping the towel in the bathroom,一起为blame them的原因。


6. A 由下句的However, some approaches提示,可知这里是指“不同的父母对待这些问题有不同的‘方法’”。


7. D 从下面的例子可以看出,有的方法比别的方法更能“达到预期的目的(successful)”。

下文中的do better也有提示作用。


8. A 指yell at their children(对孩子大声叫喊)之后,意为“但是‘后来’又为他们清扫房间”。


9. A 改变孩子不爱整洁的“行为(behavior)”。


10. C 据下文所举的例子“不帮父母去买东西”“在冰箱里就找不到自己最喜欢的饮料”可知,这是让孩子“感受到自己的行为产生的‘后果’”。


11. D 在有了上述经历之后,他们就会“重新考虑”他们的行动。


12. A 由下文中的munication is a two-way process可知,此处填munication。



13. D 由but可知,要选与lend an ear to(=listen to倾听)相对的talk。


14. B 由but可知,要选与understand (理解)相对的scold(责骂)。


15. C 此句是强调结构,是对前两句的总结,一句是说要lend an ear to(=listen to倾听),一句是说要understand (倾听),所以总结为“只有通过倾听和相互理解,父母与孩子之间的问题才可得到解决”。


第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



16. it 在said后的宾语从句中缺主语,应填代词;指代前句中的Miami这个地方,应用it。

17. earlier 在句中作状语,依然用副词;不变词性,可考虑用比较级;由时态had made,可知是“早在六个月前”就订好了。

18. were told 由句意或tell *** . sth.这一句型结构可知,是“我们被告知”,由上下文的时态可知,用一般过去时的被动语态。

19. but 这是考虑not…but…结构,意为“不是为那个星期订的,而是为后一个星期所订的”。

20. why 意为“我不知道为什么会发生这样的事”,故用why引导宾语从句。

21. for 因charge…for…是习惯搭配。

22. surprisingly 因本句已有作表语的形容词helpful,所以应当用副词来修饰形容词helpful,指“令人惊讶地,意外的”,故填surprisingly。

23. the 特指“在顶楼”。

24. where 先行词是地点the beach且在定语从句中作状语,故填where (=on which =and on the beach =and there)。

25. sunburnt 在表示“变化”的got后作表语,要用形容词;sunburn是名词。

Ⅱ 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


本文是记叙文,介绍有音乐天才的Samuel O *** ond。

26. D 细节理解题。

由第一段中的However, he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them可知选D。


27. B 细节理解题。

由第二段最后两句 “Samuel wanted to bee a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents,but music teachers told him he should study music instead. Now, he studies law and music”可知选B,Samuel按照父母的意愿是想做律师的,而不是做音乐家。


28. C 综合细节题。

由第三段最一句Samuel can’t understand why everyone is so surprised和第三四句 “I suddenly decided to start playing the piano, without being able to read music and without having any lessons. It es easily to me ---I hear the notes and can bear them in mind---each and every note”可知,他不用看音符就能演奏钢琴,故选C。

29. B 推断隐含意义。

由第四段最后一句Samuel says confidently, “It’s all about super memory---I guess I have that gift.”可推出。

30. B 选择标题题。




31. B 细节推断题。

第一段说Natalie Smith 为其后面的六辆车交费,第二段交等了其中的原因,是她看到的 “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty”这句话给了她深刻印象,由此推断,她是受这句话的启发,“想给他人施恩”,故选B。

32. A 细节理解题。

由第三段第三句“I thought it was beautiful,” she said, explaining why she’d taken to writing it at the bottom of all her letters可知,选A。


33. D 细节理解题。

本题是问“谁想出这句话来的”,由第四段中的 “It was in a restaurant that Anne wrote the phrase down on a piece of paper”可知,是Anne Herbert想出这句话来的。

可用排除法,Natalie Smith是在朋友的冰霜上看到的,Judy Foreman是在仓库的墙上抄下来的,Alice Johnson是从她女儿那得知的,她女儿是因为Judy Foreman的老公将此句写在教室的墙上而得知的,故不是这三个人想出来的。

34. C 推断句子意义。


本段中先是Anne Herbert解释她想出的那句话意为:你认为(生活中或世界上)应该多一些存在的事,那么你就随意去做这样的事。



35. B 推理判断题。




36. A 细节理解题。

由第一段第二句 “My degree, with honors, in English literature had not really prepared me for anything practical”可知,作者的大学教育注重的是理解知识,选A。

37. A 推理判断题。

由第二段最后一句In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family(总之,我并不是轻易决定申请灯塔计划的,我的家人也一样不是轻易决定的)和第三段首句Eventually, however, I won the support of my family(然而,最后我赢得了家人的赞同)可以推断出,作者是同家人讨论商量过的。

38. D 推理判断题。

由第二段的第二句 “After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone”可推知,作者面临了与其他候选人的激烈竞争。

选项A“参加了许多讨论”,文中无信息支持,是无中生有,应排除;选项B“经历了富有挑战性的生存测试”,特别是由survival可知,编题者利用了文中的只言片语(survive, test),编造与文中不符的信息,迷惑考生,应排除;选项C“写了相当多的有关志愿者工作的论文”与文中“sent in all the paperwork needed for the application(呈送申请所需要的文书)”不符,应排除。


39. C 细节理解题。

由第四段Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were their own family可知,一到达这个村庄时,他受到村民的热情接待,故选C。


40. A 推理判断题。

由最后一段第一句all those things that had seemed so strange or unusual to me no longer did(他当初觉得奇怪或不寻常的所有事现在都不再觉得奇怪了)可推断,已适应了,但当初不适应时要适应这些,是有困难的,故选A。



41. B 词义猜测题。

由前面的so many shoes和后面的to try and match left and right shoes to sell or wear,特别是sell,可知是建立交易市场,故选B。

42. C 细节理解题。

由第二段二、三、四句 “He phoned the shoe pany and asked if they wanted the shoes back. As expected, the pany told him that they didn't. Ebbe *** eyer realized this could be a great experiment”可知,选C。

43. A 细节理解题。

由第三段第二句Ebbe *** eyer got to know a lot of them (serious beachbers) and asked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed及其后几句可知,选A,“通过海滩清理者收集信息”。

44. D 细节理解题。

由第四段第一句Ebbe *** eyer has bee known as the scientist to call with questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean可知,选D。

45. C 写作目的题,也属主旨大意题。

文章主题句在第一段,即However, ocean expert Curtis Ebbe *** eyer does it in a special way---by studying movements of random floating garbage,由此可知选C。





46. B 题中anize an outdoor activity, as an instructor与选项B中的anize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits, as an instructor相匹配。

47. C 题中I can help the elderly and the disabled与选项C中the physically and mentally handicapped, …the elderly相匹配。

48. D 题中if only I could stay in Spain (西班牙[欧洲]) as an exchange student与选项D中的studying at a foreign university in Europe相匹配。

49. F 题中I’m well prepared to work as a language instructor与F中的Language Teachers Abroad相匹配。

50. E 题中wildlife, I specialize in zoology, and I’m a good observer与monitoring wildlife相匹配。

Ⅲ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 基础写作(共1小题;满分15分)



Version 1:

Richard Avis, a British who was born on December 1st, 1974, has started to look for time twins in the world since 2011 in order to know about different meanings of successful life in different culture. He uses the local media to help himself. So far, he has found 32 people, including 17 men and 15 women from 13 countries. They are government officials, athletes, drivers, teachers and artists. He plans to find 40 time twins before his fortieth birthday and then he intends to write a book according to this experience.

第二节 读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)



Version 1:

Oseola McCarty was a laundrywoman for more than 75 years. She earned a few dollars each time. But she donated $150,000 which was her life savings to help the students who needed financial help.

I think her behavior is worth praising and very unselfish. Everyone should help others in need. But how much to donate should be based on our actual situation. The $150,000 is very helpful to the students who have financial problems. They can buy many things they need as other students. And they may be more grateful and kinder. Therefore, it’s more likely for them to help others in the future.

If I am going to give donations, I will choose students too. They are in the most important period in their life. They need to get a long education. They have to buy a lot of books, pencil-cases, pens, erasers and so on, which will certainly cost a lot. They are growing up rapidly, which needs a lot of nutrition. If they don’t have enough money, they can’t eat enough food and take in enough energy. In a word, money is very important to students.




 two thousand and fourteen





 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.






 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I think my life will be very different in ten years.I will be twenty-eight years old by then.I will have my own family,probably with a lovely child.I hope I?ll work in a computer company as a program designer.I?ll enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues.I?ll do a good job in whatever I do.In my free time,I?ll continue to take regular exercise,such as swimming,running and various ball games.On my holidays,I?ll travel around the world.In a word,my life will be much richer and more colorful.


 52. Directions:

 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

 1) describe the drawing briefly,

 2) interpret its intended meaning, and

 3) give your comments.

 You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)


 2014年的大作文从总体上来看不难,因为它考查到了现在的一个社会热点。而且从十年的考研真题来讲,2005年的大作文考查到的是赡养老人的问题,当 年的图画是可怜的老父亲缩成了一只皮球,四个儿女守着四个球门,老人被儿女们踢来踢去。当年全国考生平均分10.88分,难度系数0.544,区分度为 0.64764。当年的描述图画部分比较难表达,而今年图画描述部分相比起来就容易得多。下面我们就从写作的标准三段式来讲讲这三段我们应该怎么写。

 第一段图画描述段的写作内容主要是表述图画,需包括两点:三十年前是个什么样子,现在是什么样子。三十年前?我?还是个孩子,母亲大手拉小手陪伴着我成 长;现在,母亲上年纪了,我快乐地陪伴在母亲的身旁。其实第一段还有两个需要注意的地方,一是题目要求是一幅图,大家在写作时尽量按照一幅图画去处理;二 是图画下面的汉字?相携?比较难翻译,不过大家可以意译为陪伴。这两个地方不是大问题,因为它相对于作文要考查考生书面表达的要求来说是微不足道的。





 As is vividly described in the left part of the drawing, thirty years ago, there stood a delicate mother, holding the tiny hand of a lovely girl, who wore a red scarf. On the contrary, the right part of the picture illustrates that with time flying quickly, the little girl, who has already grown up as a gorgeous lady, is supporting her old mother. We are informed: accompanying.

 It is without saying that the old and the young are two indispensable parts in society. On the one hand, what we have and enjoy now was created by our parents in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests". On the other hand, all of us are supposed to take good care of the youngsters, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of our country.

 The young should consider it a moral obligation respecting and taking care of old parents. Meanwhile, it is also the duty of the parents to protect, educate and look after the youths. Let's bear this in mind and cultivate that virtue together, because only by doing so, can we feel as if we were living in a happy and harmonious family.






 WANG Hao and Wang Liqin, two of China's top table tennis players, both saw the World Table Tennis Championships as a chance to prove themselves. But there was only one champion (冠军) and Wang Hao, 25, won it last Tuesday in Yokohama , Japan.

 Wang Hao, who won the men's doubles title with Chen Qi last Monday, played with spirit to beat Wang Liqin 11-9, 13-11, 11-5, 11-9.

 Wang Hao said it was his mental toughness (心理稳定) that made the difference. "I was disappointed by my performances in past championships and the last two Olympic Games. But I have tried to pull myself together and prepared well. This is the result."

 Wang Hao said he has always understood the importance of physical training and technical skills. Now he knows the need for mental preparation as well. Having two Olympic silvers had left him feeling bitter (痛苦的). The bitterness perhaps explains why he has not always played at his best in the past.

 "I've come to understand that you can learn important lessons from failure," he said. "Losing can build your character and make you a stronger player." His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.

 Liu Guoliang, head coach of China's table tennis team, sang the praises of Wang Hao's victory. "This is just the beginning of his rise," said Liu. "It's the confidence-booster he needs to make further progress."

 1.According to the passage, Wang Hao won _____ gold medals in the World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama, Japan.

 A.only one B.two C.three D.four

 2.From Wang Hao, we can know the main reason for his beating Wang Liqin is ______.

 A.his technical skills B. his physical training

 C.his mental toughness D. his past experience

 3.What is the next goal of Wang Hao?

 A.To win the title of the champion at the 2012 Olympics

 B.To beat Wang Liqin again

 C.To prove himself in the future competitions

 D.To win more golds in future

 4.What can we learn from Wang Hao?

 A.Failure is the mother of success.

 B.Never give up until you succeed.

 C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

 D.A good beginning makes a good ending.







 3.错解分析典型错误D.错因分析审题不清,D项也许是Wang Hao的远期目标,但是题干是the next goal。

 解题指导细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.”可知。注意审题。






 Have you ever used solar energy to boil a bottle of water or take a shower? Have you ever thought that solar energy is far away from our daily lives? You may doubt about that. In Japan, there is a wonderful program of Solar City.

 Solar City is located 80,000 meters northwest of Tokyo, among the strawberry fields. This is one of Japan’s sunniest places. Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres. Seventy-five percent of the homes there are covered by solar panels. The government has provided people there with the solar panels for free. In addition, the government has paid 9.7 billion yen to study how to make full use of solar energy. A number of solar energy companies have also given money to help this program.

 People living in Solar City think using solar panels is a good way to save money. However, saving money is not the only reason why people are moving into this city. "We moved here because of the panels. It was something we wanted,” said Mika Hiroshima. She moved to Solar City with her husband and two little children about four years ago.

 It is well known that Japan is a country that is short of energy, but the Solar City program has brought hope for the country. "People want solar energy,” said an official of Solar City. Actually in Solar City, there are 550 families making use of solar energy at the moment. All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010. In sunny days, solar panels are able to provide more than enough energy for a normal family. However, the solar panels are not that useful in cloudy days. Despite this, Solar City is still a wonderful program because it inspires people to wisely use the limited energy.

 1.The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to ______.

 A.test the readers’ knowledge about solar energy

 B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

 C.learn the situation that solar energy is used

 D.invite the readers to answer them

 2.The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about ______.

 A.the reason why people are moving into Solar City

 B.how the people are living in Solar City

 C.the things that people living in Solar City need

 D.the life experience from the people living in Solar City

 3.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

 A.Japan is a country which is lacking in energy

 B.the solar panels are only useful in sunny days

 C.the Solar City program will be successful

 D.Solar City is a very modern big city









 解题指导推理判断题。根据文章的最后一段中的“All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010.”可知。此项目的目的达到了。因此,C项正确。D项,可根据文中的“Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres.”知,Solar City并不是一个大城市。A、B两项是文中的事实,而非推理。推理判断题分为简单推理和复杂推理。所谓简单推理就是以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。而复杂推理就是不但要以文字为依据,而且还要以文章的语境、内涵为前提。这是一种间接而复杂的逻辑推理方式。考生要推断出文章没有表明但又合乎逻辑的推理,就必须由表及里地归纳或演绎。



1. 答案:C

解析:以往此类型题作为天津卷的例题出现,今年作为第一题考查。祈使句的用法考查。祈使句(表条件)and 主句(表结果)。译:给我一次机会,我将给你一个大大的惊喜。

2. 答案:B




A资源。B意义 C结果 D根源


解析:状语从句的考查。状语从句做题的根本是清楚前后两个句子的逻辑关系即可。根据句意:一个健康的饮食习惯,减肥将会变得更加容易一些。由此可见D项表示一旦,更加符合题意。A除非 B尽管 C在…之前

5 答案:A

解析:非谓语考查。Only to do的意思是结果却发现,表示与前句是意向之外的结果。句意:她内心充满焦虑的把打开裙子包装,然后穿在了身上,结果却发现这条裙子并不适合自己。


解析:词组辨析 in的词组在高考的考查中是很常见的,所以请考生们多注意。A是对…作出回应 B除了 C.对…负责 D代替。句意可知 除了学校,这个小村庄还有一个诊所,也是由政府出资建立的。。


解析:非谓语作状语。由选项可知此题是考查非谓语。分析后句的主语是the book可知book和write的关系是被动,所以排除A和B。D项是正在被写的意思,有句意可知书已经写完才能鼓舞孩子们。

8 答案:A

解析:冠词的考查。句意:生活就像一片海洋,ocean是元音因素开头所以用an。后句是一个抽象词表示一类人,the strong-willed类似于我们之前学过的the rich和the poor一样。

9.答案: B

解析:单词辨析。此题关键在于看清后面的介词to。固定搭配attach great importance to的意思是非常重视。根据句意,我的父母总总是非常重视我收到良好的教育。


解析:情景交际。前句问道,你学英语有多长时间了?回答是大约四个月了。根据后面的句子你的英语如此的好,说明问话人表示惊讶。所以选A不会是真的吧(开玩笑呢吧) B 你对了/你成功了。C我很同意你 D、我被困住了/我很乐意。



12 答案:B。

解析:考查定语从句。which可以作为定语从句的引导词,而them不可以,如果选C或D则是一句话中有两个谓语动词,就出现错误了。A和B的区别在于all of 后面动词用复数形式,each of 是单属形式,所以B正确。

13 答案:D

解析:考查词组辨析。此题关键在于看懂barriers(障碍)所以两国会面的目的在于消除障碍。只有D符合题意。A化妆,编造,组成,和好。B用光用尽 C 调低

14 答案:A

解析:主语从句考查。在I think后面的宾从中嵌套了主从,有后面的空的位置可看出缺少主语,所以直接填what即可。


解析:虚拟语气的考查。这道题是省略if的虚拟,由主句的would not have been可知是对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成时即可,所以选D项。




16. B 根据后句但是需要在巴西工作,以及grade(跳级)一词可知这里是指妈妈得到了工作的晋升。Promote符合题意。A吸引 C惊奇 D表扬

Promote: to cause (someone) to do something

1. Curiosity prompted her to ask a few questions.

2. The evidence prompted a criminal investigation.

3. I don't know what prompted him to leave .

提升 提拔

I was promoted to editor and then editorial director...

同义词:inspire cause encourage advance


18. A .but一词表示转折,出去工作必定会离开自己的朋友,所以是leave。

19.C. 前句出现puzzeled说明作者当时还不理解母亲说的话,所以当天一直在想,用wondering。A解释 B睡觉 D后悔

20.D 通过母亲与作者的一席话可知,作者认为这对于成年人来说是艰难的决定,后文也提到了tough decision。

Tough:hard strong difficult,hard to bear

The competition was tough


Eager:anxious,keen impatient,hungry,thirsty

Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.

the children's eager faces

22.B 尽管与母亲每天都通电话,但是作者在后文提到however,说明电话并不能代替母亲出现在她们面前,用presence更符合题意。A耐心,C智慧 D影响

23.C 由后句的lonely可知,母亲在国外的生活比较孤单,所以公寓是empty。

24. B。此题考查词组辨析,A对…有兴趣 B知道,清楚 C.对…怀疑 D. 对…感到满意

25.D.强调句式,it is that,就在那个时候作者才渐渐开始明白并欣赏tough decisions

26 .B. 母亲需要权衡家庭和工作,所以用balance。A抛弃 C对比 D混合

27.C 词组辨析,根据动宾搭配原则可知,面临着困难,所以选faced with。A依靠着 B提供 C坚持

28 C 空前的and连接说明两个词词性一样,passion热情是褒义词,所以后文说要有积极的态度。选Cpositive

29 D. 作者受到妈妈的鼓励,回家后也不短提醒自己要努力做 警告

30A manage to do表示成功地做某事。

31C 通过去国外去看望母亲,作者渐渐学会来如何独立,independent符合,A 感激的 B活力四射的 D 实用的

32 D 根据动宾搭配原则,set 后面加上goals表示设定目标。

33 B 对于作者来说这次去国外看母亲生活与工作的经历教会来自己很多,所以是experience。A问题 C历史 D场合

34 A 词组辨析。刚开始作出的牺牲现在都得到回报。Pay off 取得回报 B回来 C用光 D出现

35.A 作者与母亲分别的几年最终证明是对自己很好的选择。Blessing幸福,福利。迷惑选项是D 愉快并不能表达作者此时此刻的心情,作者认为这次经历更多的是幸福。


36 C. 从关键词TWU cafeteria 一词定位第一自然段,便可推出C,难度较低。

37 A 此类容易错选D,但是只要细心会发现D项中Sunday与原文的第三自然段最后一句话相悖,所以错误。

38 D 由关键词WellnessCenter可知定位Health 一段,推出D。

39 C 定位Writing Center。由Academic 一段中第三句话you can sign up for an appointment on可知C正确。

40 D TWU express 定位最后一段便可知于transport相关。


41. D 细节理解题。有文章第二自然段第一句话After many tiring book signing tours from city to city 可知D是作者发明Longpen的目的。

42 B 细节理解题 第二自然段很清楚的介绍了Longpen的工作原理,迷惑选项是C项,由文章介绍可知并非是webcam将作者的签名发送到另一个城市。

43 C 细节理解题 此题属于较简单类型,有文章第三自然段即可退出C选项。

44 B 细节理解题 文章第四自然段中it could increase credit card security and allow people to sign up the contract 可推出B项。

45 A 推断题 由最后一段中Atwood所说的话可知尽管对于longpen现在还有很多质疑的声音,但是他并不想放弃。


46 C 细节理解题 定位原文第三段最后一句话He wants me to settle down, but now I wanted him to find an adventure.可知父亲不喜欢孩子现在的生活状态。

47.D 细节理解题 注意题目问的是作者的而非父亲,容易错选B,而B项是父亲的想法。

48 B 细节理解题 从划线句子以及上一句可以看出作者对于父爱的理解。

49 D 推断题 由文章父子俩的对话以及相互理解可以看出,两个人的思想已经于原来有所转化。I tell him I’ve decided to settled down.可知D正确。

50 C 推断题 根据文章整体理解,可以看出文章围绕作者和父亲的旅行展开,他们因为旅行对人生转换了看法。


51.C 细节理解题 关键词national sickness可以定位到文章第二段最后一句话,由此可知人们现在walking的很少,而坐车的很多,所以C选项正确。

52 .A 细节理解题 从第三自然段中可以看出作者年轻时walking还是很流行的,所以A所表达的意思正确。B项作者只是提到 25miles是人们认为的比较好的walking距离,并非说人们每天通常都走25miles。所以B项错误。

53 B 细节理解题 定位Henry Thoreau这个人,由第五段中对他所表达的观点可以看出,walking有很多的好处,可以丰富我们的思想。

54 A 词义猜测题 先弄清楚them指的是不喜欢接触自然的人,而对他们来说安全来自于很多的cars,而非walking。所以A项正确。

55 D主旨大意题 文章写作目的明确,从最后一段也可以看出,作者呼吁人们多去走路。所以D项正确。

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