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简介1.高考英语口语考试内容有什么密: 2009年 第10届 高考英语口语人机对话考试题第一套 1. What subject do you like best? Why? I like english best, because i think it is very interesting and funny.2. How often do you watch TV?



密: 2009年 第10届 高考英语口语人机对话考试题


1. What subject do you like best? Why?

I like english best, because i think it is very interesting and funny.

2. How often do you watch TV?

I watch TV every day.

3. What’s your interest ? Please say something about it.

I like playing basketball best because i think basketball is a very exciting game for us,and i can make myself stronger and stronger by playing basketball.


1. Are you interested in English? Why? /Why not?

Yes, I like it. Because . English is a fun language

2. How are you getting along with your school life?

Great! I like my school life very much. My teachers and classmates are very friendly.They are very kind to me. When I he trouble, they always help me. I study hard and I get good grades.

3.Who is your forite teacher? Please say something about it.

My forite teacher is my mach teacher. he is so cute.


1. Is it important to learn English? Why? /Why not?

Yes, for English is one of the most important languages in the world.

2. How many classes did you he in Senior Three every day?

I had ten classes in senior three every day.

3. What do you do to keep fit?

I go to swim everyday.


1. Do you like English? Why?/Why not?

Yes, I like it. Because . English is a fun language

2. What do you think of the English Entrance examination?

It's quite important,for I'll major in English in university

3. Please tell us something about your hometown.

it is best place in the world


1. Do you often play basketball? Why?/Why not?

No,I don’t like play basketball.

2. Which do you like better, watching TV or seeing movies?

Seeing movies.Some movies make me very impressed.

3. Please say something about your family?

There are four people in my family. My father likes singing ,my mother likes cooking,my brother like playing basketball. I he a hy family.


1. Do you enjoy music? Why /why not?

I like music very much.I think The music lets me feel relaxed.

2. What’s your forite subject?

My forite subject is English.

3. What do you often do on Sundays.

I often do some sport on Sunday.


1. Do you buy any presents for your parents ?

give they flowers .

2. What sports do you like best?

I like play basketball very much

3. What are you going to do during the summer holidays.

I am going to trel on summer holiday.


1. Do you like your monitor? Why ?/Why not?

yes , I do . Becaude she likes help others .

2. Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?

yes,she has been very strict to me。Treat me like the same to her children。

YES ,that is good for you !

3. How are you getting along with your classmates.

All of them are my good friend。We are hy together


1. Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English?

Yes.sometime study english is hard to insist.

2. What date is your birthday?

My birthday is may 20,1991.

3. How do you like your mother?

love my mother the same as my mother loved me。


1. What kind of music do you like best?

I like country music because it make my heart quiet。

2. What do you think of your English teacher?

She is an amiable but not lack of a strict teather。

3. Who is your best friend? Say something about him or her.

XX is my best friend,she always to help others。


1. Do you often watch TV? Why?/Why not?

I watch TV every day.

2. What are you going to be in the future?

I am going to be a doctor in the future.Because I want to se more people'lives and make them hy.

3. Who is your forite teacher? Say something about him or her.

My forite teacher is my mach teacher. he is so cute.


1. Do you often listen to the English programmes? Why?/Why not?

No.i don't like it.

2. What do you do in your spare time?

I ususally surf on the Internet.

3. Do you like your school ? Why ? /Why not?

I like my school,because it is so beautiful.


1. How do you usually spend your weekends?

I ususally surf on the Internet.
















2. Do you he any pen friends? Please say something about him.

3. What do you usually do in your spare time?


1. Do you think collecting stamps interesting ? Why ? /Why not?

2. What subject do you study?

3. What do you do to improve your English?


1. Do you like sports? Why ?/Why not?

2. What did you do after the college entrance examinations?

3. Please say something about one of your good friends.


1. What’s your forite food?

2. How long did you spend on your homework every day?

3. Could you please say something about your school?


1. Do you take any exercise everyday?

2. Which season do you like best? Why ?/Why not?

3. How do you spend your summer holidays?


1. Do you often speak English withy your English teachers?

2. What program do you like best on CCTV?

3. Please tell us something about your hometown.


1. What subject do you like best? Why?

2. How often do you watch TV?

3. What’s your interest? Please say something about it. …


1、凭高考《准考证》、《外语口试通知单》到指定考点报到处交费报到。\x0d\2、考生进入考场只能携带钢笔或圆珠笔(蓝、黑色)、高考《准考证》、《外语口试通知单》、,不得携带手机、电子词典、书包、书籍、纸张等。\x0d\\x0d\3、考生进入考点,要严格按工作人员的安排进行有关各项准备。\x0d\\x0d\4、考生到点名处领取《外语口试成绩表》后,对照口试通知单认真填写区县(指考生高考报名单位所在区县),口试语种、口试号、考生号、姓名、性别等项目。\x0d\\x0d\5、每个考生在备考室按试卷内容准备10分钟,然后随领队进入考场口试。\x0d\\x0d\6、口试时要严肃认真,积极主动回答口试教师的提问。\x0d\\x0d\7、口试完毕后,立即退出考场,退出考场后不得与未口试的考生交谈有关口试内容,不得在考场附近停留或大声喧哗。\x0d\\x0d\高考口试小秘诀\x0d\\x0d\●考前工作做足 背一些口语表达句型。\x0d\\x0d\●条理清楚拿高分 学会第一、首先这样的连词。\x0d\\x0d\●“卷面”分数不可失 进入考场后先用英语打招呼。\x0d\\x0d\●忌讳重复使用一个词\x0d\\x0d\●勇敢地承认不会\x0d\\x0d\●语法出错不要紧 遇到时间紧迫或问题复杂时,只要能表达清楚意思即可。\x0d\\x0d\磁带训练熟悉语境\x0d\\x0d\可以用现行的高考听力磁带作些变动进行自我训练,现在的高考听力磁带的第一部分是听录音,然后在所给的四个答案中选出对的,我们可以这么做:听了问句后,我们立即发声回答。第二部分听短文,我们可以认真听后再进行复述所听的内容,提高我们的听力、记忆力,特别是一种报数的口语能力训练。第三部分信息填词,可以在听了一、两句以后就停下,然后根据所听的句子,发挥自己想象力,发声叙述我们推理或想象以后可能发生的情况,培养我们的语言及语言思维能力。\x0d\\x0d\Tips:\x0d\\x0d\听试题要注意句式\x0d\\x0d\在听到给出的问题时,应首先弄明白这个句型究竟是陈述句还是祈使句,是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,然后作有针对性的回答。考生在应答时不要过分紧张,并要注意语境中的时态运用,学会机智答题。\x0d\\x0d\录音比较改善发音\x0d\\x0d\判断一个人的英语口语水平,他的英语发音很重要,而说话者本身却并不一定意识到自己发音的缺陷,即我们平常说的不准,这儿提供一个很好的办法。就拿我们都有的高考听力磁带来训练、提高自己发音。先仔细听磁带的标准发音,有对话,有短文,听了后就模仿朗读,尽可能使语音、语调、节奏都与磁带一样,并进行录音。再把自己朗读的录音与磁带的发音进行比较,找出差距,再听,再录音,再比较,反复进行数次,你的英语发音就会很地道,很标准了。这样训练还有一个很大的好处是,你口试第三大题短文朗读很容易取得高分。\x0d\\x0d\Tips:\x0d\\x0d\按课本音标发音\x0d\\x0d\考试前建议考生多练习,按照高中英语书后单词的音标正确朗读。在朗读的过程中要注意三点:一是声音不要过大或过小;二是掌握好节奏,不乱停顿,不读破句,语句连贯;三是注意名词复数、动词形式、过去分词的词尾变化等。\x0d\\x0d\实战模拟减少紧张\x0d\\x0d\在上述各种训练相当熟练的基础上,我们就进入了最后的模拟实战训练,可以购置一些历年高考口试练习的软件光盘,在家里的电脑上进行实战模拟,以提高口试应试能力,并熟悉电脑口试操作过程。当然这盘片所提供的辅导练习也可先自我练习,或穿插于其它训练过程中,视考生个人情况而自定。各区还安排了一次口试模拟考,考生在发现了某个大题做得不好的话,还可就这个大题多花些时间集中训练,弥补自己的不足。\x0d\\x0d\Tips:\x0d\\x0d\每天坚持练习10至15分钟\x0d\\x0d\每天朗读文字材料15~20分钟有助于朗读能力的提高。还须加强对口试光盘或VCD盘上的模拟题的训练,特别要重视《考试手册》配套的这几套口试光盘的训练,对于其中不明白的题目应及时弄懂。在教师的指导下,挑选一些代表性的句子,经常操练。考生要克服羞涩心理,挑战错误,努力开口,利用一切可以练习英语的机会。\x0d\\x0d\附:在1分钟内如何说好话题\x0d\\x0d\1、审题正确,理解谈话话题的内容,抓住关键词。\x0d\\x0d\2、组织框架谈话时开门见山,提出主?说明运用比较与对照结尾时要进行概括,首尾呼应。\x0d\\x0d\3、表达清楚尽量使用熟悉的词汇和句型\x0d\\x0d\开头用语:\x0d\\x0d\in my opinion,I think,I believe,in my point of \x0d\view;\x0d\\x0d\过渡词的使用:(以发生为顺序)\x0d\\x0d\to begin with,first of all;\x0d\\x0d\表示例证:\x0d\\x0d\for example,for instance, such as,like;\x0d\\x0d\表示递增:\x0d\\x0d\what’s more,moreover,to add up;\x0d\\x0d\结束语:\x0d\\x0d\in conclusion,in short,to sum \x0d\up,therefore,so。\x0d\\x0d\4、话题的第一句应该是主题句(topic \x0d\sentence),接下去是围绕主题句内容而展开的支撑句(supporting sentences)。最后一句是归纳。










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